
Product Goals for Teams

Time required

Typically, 30 min - 2 hours, depending on how unfamiliar/unclear the vision and goals are to the team

Materials Required


This is a team start/team development exercise. The purpose of it is for the team to get to know their purpose more in detail, for them to process it, discuss it, understand it, and internalize it.

Having a clear and compelling purpose is the most important factor when it comes to how a team performs. With no shared goal there will no team.

For a team we usually cover goals from several perspectives:


Book some prep-sessions with some product manager/PO that is most relevant for the team. They need to present the vision/goals from product point of view. Expect at least 1+2 hours prep with some days in between to create attractive visions/a compelling direction from product point of view.

The purpose of the PO participating in this session is:

During this prep session, focus on how the goal/vision can be made attractive to the team.

Here are some suggestions on how to do that:
